307-314-4350 Appointment

Emsellain Laramie, WY

Emsella Laramie

Empowered Confidence

Laramie Emsella for Pelvic Floor Rejuvenation

Confidence begins with trust. When you trust that your body is strong, healthy, and able to handle the stress of whatever the day throws at you, that confidence radiates from within you. Emsella in Laramie, WY, at Ascent Medical Spa & Wellness, helps you build that trust in your body. This non-invasive, innovative device harnesses the power of electromagnetic energy to build up the muscles in your pelvic floor, improving bladder control and reducing incidences of stress urinary incontinence.

Transformative Rejuvenation

What is Emsella?

Reclaim control of your life with Emsella — an innovative, non-invasive urinary incontinence treatment. Emsella is built into a unique chair designed to address urinary incontinence.

During each 30-minute session, this chair delivers thousands of Kegel-like supramaximal contractions to strengthen your pelvic floor. The best part? You remain fully clothed and relaxed while the electromagnetic pulses effectively work on enhancing your pelvic muscles. For optimal results, we recommend six total sessions: two sessions a week for three weeks. This treatment is successful in combating bladder leakage and urinary incontinence. Embrace Emsella and rediscover life without worries.

That “I Got This” Feeling

What are the benefits of Emsella?

Emsella is a treatment designed with the busy client in mind, delivering life-improving relief from bladder and urinary incontinence issues without invasive surgeries or lengthy downtimes. At our medical spa in Laramie Emsella is a non-invasive, energy-based electromagnetic pelvic floor strengthening treatment that can be done during a lunch break.

Additional Reading

Our clients often relax, read, or catch up on the day’s events during their sessions. Treatments are not painful, with most clients reporting only a slight tingling or “pulling” feeling. The strengthening effects of Emsella can be extraordinary. Imagine going through the day confidently and not worrying about leaks, repeat bathroom breaks, or what might happen if you laugh or sneeze. Emsella is FDA-approved for treating stress urinary incontinence and overactive bladder. In some cases, clients report that having a stronger pelvic floor also delivered some exciting “bedroom benefits”!

Emsella Laramie
Emsella Laramie

Feel Secure

Your Emsella Consultation

At Ascent Medical Spa & Wellness, your comfort and confidence are our top priorities. We want to ensure we deliver the best and safest solutions to help you reach your aesthetic and wellness goals. When you come in for a consultation, we’ll review your medical history and symptoms, answer your questions, and help you identify the right treatment path for your goals and budget. We want you to feel confident and in control throughout each phase of the process so you can walk your wellness journey with sure footing.

Power Up

Your Emsella Treatments

Your Emsella sessions will be spaced over three weeks, with two 30-minute sessions per week. During your sessions, you can read, listen to a podcast, catch up on social media, or just sit and relax.

As you sit in the Emsella chair, electromagnetic energy will create supramaximal contractions along your pelvic floor. This isn’t painful; at most, clients report a slight tugging or tingling sensation. Our wellness specialists can also tailor the intensity of the machine to fit your comfort level. Following a session with Esmella Laramie patients can resume their daily activities with no downtime.

Emsella Laramie

Confident to the Core

Emsella Results

Clients often notice improvements in incontinence after their first session. However, like any workout, you feel stronger with repetitions. Most clients say they really start to feel the difference following their first three sessions, reporting a strengthening of the pelvic floor and a reduction in urgency and incontinence.

Emsella Laramie

Good to Go

Emsella Recovery and Aftercare

There is no downtime or recovery time following Emsella treatments, so you can return to your normal routine right away. Emsella is a great way to kickstart a pelvic floor strengthening routine, but it does not replace the need for maintaining personal wellness through Kegels or other at-home exercises. You might need a follow-up treatment after about six months, depending on your home workout consistency. Just like with any exercise, if you stop exercising following treatment, you will likely lose the progress you have made.

Our Pricing


Treatment plans are individualized and priced during consultation.
Schedule your consultation to learn more.

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EmsellaFrequently Asked Questions

Emsella uses electromagnetic energy to stimulate muscle contractions along the pelvic floor. You will feel a tingling sensation as you experience the pelvic floor muscle contractions. In some cases, clients report feeling a “pulling” sensation, though the sensation is not described as painful. If you do feel discomfort during your session, our wellness experts can adjust the settings on the chair to reduce this effect.

The recommended course of treatments for Emsella is two treatments per week for three weeks, but this can be amended to one treatment per week over six weeks if necessary to accommodate for busy schedules. However, if possible, we recommend the two treatments a week method, as it gives clients the fastest path to improvement.

Book Your Appointment Now

Take the first step towards enhancing your beauty and well-being by booking now with our expert team at Ascent Medical Spa & Wellness. Our professionals are dedicated to listening to your concerns and providing personalized recommendations that will help you achieve the results you desire. With our advanced technologies and holistic approach to care, we have the expertise to guide you toward your aspirations. Whether you're interested in rejuvenating your skin, sculpting your body, or exploring the latest aesthetic treatments, we have the solutions you need. Book your consultation today and discover the limitless possibilities at Ascent Medical Spa & Wellness.

1174 N. 22nd Street, Laramie, WY 82072

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